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有效的 OT 網路安全就從完整的能見度開始


Learn how to eliminate blindspots and gain deep situational awareness to better protect your organization from latent and emerging threats.

As much as 50% of your OT environment is composed of IT assets. Frequently, large numbers of devices across your network are offline or otherwise dormant. These and other factors, such as reliance on network-based monitoring, make gaining complete visibility of your OT assets increasingly difficult.

Check out this on-demand webinar to learn how you can gain complete visibility and deep situational awareness to better address emerging threats to your IT/OT environment. Topics covered:

  • Common asset discovery challenges
  • Real world examples of organizations impacted by asset visibility challenges
  • Best practices and guidance for gaining full visibility across your converged IT/OT operations

All IT and OT professionals interested in understanding how to achieve complete asset visibility and improve OT security effectiveness.



Photo of Dan Hewitt, Principal Security Engineer, OT, Tenable

Dan Hewitt

Staff Product Manager for OT, Tenable

Photo of Michael Rothschild, Senior Director of Marketing, Tenable

Michael Rothschild

Senior Director of OT Solutions, Tenable
