利用 Tenable Cloud Security 無代理程式型評估功能加速 AWS 環境的弱點偵測與回應
Learn how to leverage our latest cloud security discovery feature, Tenable Cloud Security Agentless Assessment, to enhance the way you scan for software vulnerabilities and misconfigurations in the cloud.
依歷史紀錄來看,雲端中的弱點掃描已透過使用 Nessus 之類的網路型掃描器或是利用 Nessus Agents 的代理程式型方法完成。 多年來,Tenable 一直是想要由世界級漏洞研究支援的快速、全面和準確性弱點掃描的資安從業人員的金牌典範。 我們的客戶要求以更簡單的方式在雲端中設定和管理他們的 Nessus 掃描,在 2020 年,我們發佈了 Tenable.io 無障礙評估,這是我們將 Nessus 轉型為更專注於雲端的第一步。
Tenable Cloud Security Agentless Assessment for Amazon Web Services (AWS) takes the groundbreaking work that Tenable.io Frictionless Assessment laid out and completely upgrades it for a truly seamless cloud native scanning solution.
安全專業人員在雲端中會遇到的一個常見問題是試圖將傳統的弱點管理概念套用於雲端工作負載,尤其是短暫的工作負載。 Auto-scaling enables cloud instances to spin up and spin down, which means traditional scan windows could miss assets needing to be assessed. 在雲端中管理用於掃描的服務帳戶憑證是件麻煩事,讓不同的團隊標準化並採用端點代理程式或直接使用安全團隊核准的影像可能也很困難。 Necessity is the mother of invention, as they say, and, with Tenable Cloud Security Agentless Assessment, we set out to build a unique technology that overcomes these obstacles.
It's clear that removing obstacles that extend the time to discover and detect vulnerabilities, in general, has a significant impact on the amount of risk carried by an organization. 無代理程式評估旨在提高安全團隊的能力,以全面掌握雲端設定並以快速而有效率的方式執行全面的弱點評估,讓我們的客戶更有機會更快地降低風險。
Agentless Assessment for AWS
Tenable Cloud Security Agentless Assessment for AWS enables cloud security teams to use the power of Nessus for vulnerability and misconfiguration assessments without the need to install scanners or agents, configure credentials on target hosts or set up scan policies. 使用專有方法,這讓使用者能夠在幾分鐘內即將他們的雲端帳戶上線並掃描所有的資產,以查找軟體弱點和雲端狀態錯誤設定,而不會對運算速度或成本造成任何影響。 The speed at which we're able to collect data, coupled with our event-driven approach, dramatically improves Tenable's ability to ensure our customers are confident in the vulnerability information we're providing. In the process, we're helping cloud security teams and developers quickly identify security weaknesses and providing actionable recommendations on what should be done to fix them.
Furthermore, when a new vulnerability detection is published to our vulnerability research feed, Tenable Cloud Security allows security teams to identify potential vulnerabilities within their existing collected inventory without needing to execute a new scan. 這種近乎即時的偵測和獨特的弱點評估方法讓使用者能夠減少修復問題的平均時間。 結果,這可為安全團隊提供關鍵資料,以便他們就如何確定補救工作的優先順序做出明智的決定。
Additional benefits of Tenable Cloud Security Agentless Assessment include:
- 可輕鬆部署:無代理程式評估由 API 驅動,因此只需單一整合點即可輕鬆部署:一個唯讀角色,即可一舉檢查錯誤設定和弱點。
- 兩種解決方案合而為一: 使用單一工具掃描弱點和雲端基礎架構設定。
- 有限的掃描開銷: There are no agents to deploy or bake in, no scan templates, and no policies to define. Data simply flows into Tenable Cloud Security.
- 金牌典範弱點偵測: The Tenable vulnerability and threat feeds, trusted by thousands of organizations around the globe, are utilized by Agentless Assessment.
- 持續的弱點保證: When new vulnerabilities are identified and detections are created, the Tenable Cloud Security immediately rescans and re-assesses all stored inventories against the most updated vulnerability feed.
- 安全性:掃描是唯讀的,不需要寫入權限。
- 靈活性: 該工具讓使用者能夠執行連續的軟體即服務 (SaaS) 事件驅動掃描、排程掃描,或者只是執行臨時性的手動掃描。
Additionally, Tenable Cloud Security Agentless Assessment makes it easy for cloud security teams to ensure AWS cloud workloads are configured correctly by providing pre-built policy templates for detecting risks in runtime, such as:
- 以身分為基礎 (例如,特權過高的管理員)
- 不安全的儲存設定或存取活動 (例如,AWS 中廣泛開放和/或未加密的 Amazon Simple Storage [S3] 儲存貯體等)
- 不安全的執行個體建立和刪除
- 不安全的網路設定和活動
- 以及其他更多…
如何使用 AWS 的無代理程式型評估
步驟 1. 僅需幾分鐘就能完成所有 AWS 帳戶的上線流程。
非常快速和容易即能開始使用。 All you need are read-only and IAM Audit roles, easily deployed in a few steps for multi-account AWS environments. These will automatically deploy the needed role at all sub accounts that are within scope. Tenable Cloud Security automatically creates snapshots of your virtual disks to scan, so there's no need to separately create storage snapshots. This video also shows how to create an optional auto-remediation role. All the JSON needed for these roles is provided.
步驟 2. 開始無代理程式型評估掃描
With Agentless Assessment, there are no scan templates to configure, you've already deployed the role so you have no credentials to set up. Your workloads and AWS environment are automatically scanned as soon as you complete onboarding. Data simply flows into Tenable Cloud Security and vulnerabilities are presented within the unified findings workspace.
步驟 3. 對於所有易於搜尋的雲端資產掌握最新狀況
As data flows into Tenable Cloud Security, users can leverage existing functionality to prioritize vulnerabilities for remediation. Users immediately have access to the contextualized threats, Toxic Combinations that show risks based on your environment and configurations, excessive permissions, and much more.
Existing Tenable customers can now get early access to Tenable Cloud Security Agentless Assessment for AWS. 新功能已排定於 9 月底全面推出。 在第四季度,Tenable 預計將發佈適用於 Microsoft Azure 和 Google Cloud Platform (GCP) 的無代理程式評估,以及以容器安全為中心的其他增強功能。
- 閱讀部落格: 全新推出的 Tenable Cloud Security 無代理程式型評估與即時結果功能
- 歡迎參加網路研討會:Tenable Cloud Security 有哪些新功能?
- Visit the Tenable Cloud Security product page: https://www.tenable.com/products/tenable-cloud-security
- Cloud
- Threat Management
- Vulnerability Management