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跨越資安與 IT 之間的鴻溝,達到更優異的弱點修復成果


Dismantling the siloed relationship between security and IT is key for efficient, effective vulnerability remediation.

How can you bring security and IT teams together to reduce friction and dramatically improve vulnerability remediation? To help you address this challenge, check out this on-demand webinar with Tenable, HCL BigFix and our guest speaker, Chris Elliot, who shares his experiences doing just that at Disney, Hulu and SoFi.

Tune and get insights into:

  • The view from the trenches: why effective collaboration is essential for effective, efficient vulnerability remediation
  • How enterprise teams can engage as partners
  • Best practices and strategies you can implement immediately to improve your own remediation process

IT and security professionals responsible for improving vulnerability response and overall security program efficacy are encouraged to attend.



Christopher Elliot, Director, Corporate Security and Security Operations, SoFi

Christopher Elliot

Director, Corporate Security and Security Operations, SoFi

Photo of , Director of Product Management and Marketing, HCL BigFix

Dan Wolff

Director of Product Management and Marketing, HCL BigFix

Photo of Ray Komar, Vice President of Technical Alliances, Tenable

Ray Komar

Vice President of Technical Alliances, Tenable
