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Tenable 擴大 Cyber Exposure 技術整合陣容,協助客戶全方位管理並衡量網路風險

February 13, 2019 · Columbia, MD

Tenable®, Inc., the Cyber Exposure company, today announced that the company more than doubled its Cyber Exposure Ecosystem throughout 2018, including 43 new or enhanced technology integrations and 20 new integration partners. The ecosystem now supports a total of 50 integrations and 39 technology partners.

Tenable’s market-leading integration partners span some of the most widely deployed Security and IT technologies, including industry-leading Privileged Access Management, SIEM, IT Ticketing and Configuration Management Database (CMDB) solutions. Together, these integrated solutions accelerate the time-to-detect and remediate issues through a greater breadth of visibility across the modern attack surface, depth of analytics, and integrated data and workflows fostering better collaboration across Security and IT Operations teams.

“Organizations today are struggling to manage and connect the dots between the dozens of disparate security tools in their environments,” said Ray Komar, vice president of technical alliances. “We’re committed to partnering with other industry leaders to help organizations address their cyber risk holistically through an integrated ecosystem that addresses each stage of the Cyber Exposure lifecycle.”

Through Tenable’s open platform, partners of all sizes can easily integrate their solutions into the Cyber Exposure ecosystem. Additionally, Tenable’s dedicated integrations team works with technology partners to ensure integrations are consistently updated to maintain compatibility and to take advantage of the latest product capabilities. A sample of new and enhanced integrations across the Tenable.sc™ and Tenable.io® platforms include:

Atlassian: Tenable.io now integrates with Atlassian’s Jira Core, Jira Software and Jira Service Desk to automatically open tickets for vulnerabilities that Tenable identifies and close them once they have been resolved, providing a cohesive and trackable remediation process.

Cisco: The ecosystem integration with Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE) leverages vulnerability data and compliance violation findings from Tenable.sc to trigger rule-based Network Access Control to quickly and efficiently remediate vulnerable systems.

CyberArk: Tenable’s integrations with the CyberArk Privileged Access Security Solution streamline access to hosts, providing the necessary credentials at the time of scan for more in-depth and accurate vulnerability assessments.

Palo Alto Networks®: RedLock®, which was recently acquired by Palo Alto Networks, enables effective, comprehensive threat detection across Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform public cloud environments. With RedLock and Tenable.io, organizations can ensure compliance, govern security, and enable security operations across public cloud computing environments from a single pane of glass.

ServiceNow:  Together, Tenable and ServiceNow bring holistic visibility to organizations by automatically discovering IT, Cloud and OT assets, continually assessing these systems for vulnerabilities, linking vulnerabilities with the asset’s business criticality, and prioritizing issues based on this data to provide a comprehensive closed-loop remediation process.

Splunk: The Splunk® Add-on for Tenable collects Tenable.io and Tenable.sc vulnerability and configuration findings into Splunk Enterprise. Additionally, the add-on is Common Information Model (CIM) compatible for easy use with Splunk Enterprise Security, which correlates affected systems with SIEM alert activity to help validate threats.

For more information on joining the Cyber Exposure ecosystem and becoming a Tenable technology partner, visit www.tenable.com/partners/technology.

關於 Tenable

Tenable®, Inc. is the Cyber Exposure company. Over 27,000 organizations around the globe rely on Tenable to understand and reduce cyber risk. As the creator of Nessus®, Tenable extended its expertise in vulnerabilities to deliver the world’s first platform to see and secure any digital asset on any computing platform. Tenable customers include more than 50 percent of the Fortune 500, more than 25 percent of the Global 2000 and large government agencies. Learn more at www.tenable.com.

Contact Information:

Cayla Baker
[email protected]




Tenable Vulnerability Management


除了阿拉伯聯合大公國外,在世界各地建立的 Tenable Vulnerability Management 試用版均包含 Tenable Lumin 及 Tenable Web App Scanning。

Tenable Vulnerability Management

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Tenable Vulnerability Management


除了阿拉伯聯合大公國外,在世界各地建立的 Tenable Vulnerability Management 試用版均包含 Tenable Lumin 及 Tenable Web App Scanning。

Tenable Vulnerability Management

享受現代、雲端型的弱點管理平台,使您能夠以無與倫比的準確性查看和追蹤所有資產。 立即訂閱一年。

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Tenable Vulnerability Management


除了阿拉伯聯合大公國外,在世界各地建立的 Tenable Vulnerability Management 試用版均包含 Tenable Lumin 及 Tenable Web App Scanning。

Tenable Vulnerability Management

享受現代、雲端型的弱點管理平台,使您能夠以無與倫比的準確性查看和追蹤所有資產。 立即訂閱一年。

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試用 Tenable Web App Scanning

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